Karuah River Rally 2014

Karuah River Rally – courteous of the BMW Touring Club of NSW was as good as any off road adventure to get my feet wet (well dirty) on (besides Karl recommended it would be an easier one for me to start with).

So with all the camping gear sorted and both bikes packed up we head off on our way to Wisemans Ferry (which turned out to be the easiest part of the whole ride) which will then lead into the first section of my new “Dirt Adventuring”.

Ferry ride at Wisemans

Ferry ride at Wisemans

Karl let some air out of the tyres and off we went to St Albans down the first section of dirt. Waved to some locals along the way. Let’s be honest here, I’m never going to be the quickest hare in the field more like the tortoise but I’ll get there….needless to say I’m slow on the dirt. Karl keeps checking his mirrors to make sure I’m still there – thanks Sweety!

Daisy, saw her friend Daisy

Daisy, saw her friend Daisy

I think I’m doing rather well, a bit wobbly here and there but ok there is a lot to get used to. Corrugations in the road, the actual surfaces changes from one metre to the next, reading the road (so different to riding on the bitumen) and relaxing your body to absorb the conditions and not “shake you like a milkshake” (which is what it was like for me….the tiny tuck shop arms I have where wobbling like crazy..LOL).

We’re about halfway between St Albans and Bucketty and I’m so focused on what’s in front of me – the road conditions (other than Karl) that I didn’t even notice where the hell this car came from. It was like magic..”poof” and it appeared! Anyway, no idea how long it had been behind me but I noticed it as we approached a right hand bend (nothing tight) by this time it was sitting so close up my clacker that I couldn’t see its headlights….”Yikes”. To say it spooked me is probably under understatement so I did what I would normal do on the road and on exiting the bend thought I’d more over for them (they were obviously in a huge hurry to get somewhere) and “WHOOPS” big mistake!

I hadn’t read the road right and off the edge I went into a soft dirt/sand verge heading straight for some fallen down trees. The thing I remember the most is saying “flock this is gonna hurt!”, then everything happened so quick. The rear went, the front went and out of fear of hitting the trees, I think I grabbed the bars and pointed Daisy in the direction of the road at the same time grabbing a fist full of throttle and launching her and me back onto the surface and facing the car which had decided to go around me and kept on going (eat my dust stupid bike rider). I’m not really sure what happened then but I ended up high siding and Daisy spat me down like a pancake with my left leg/foot stuck underneath her.

Here’s Daisy having a little lay down (she was obviously terrible tired).

Oops, sorry Daisy!

Oops, sorry Daisy!

Anyway, it’s amazing how adrenalin kicks in when there is fuel leaking from the overflow and the engine is still running (one spark and it could end horribly different) cos I managed to lift her enough while on the ground to wretch me left leg/foot out from under her. By the time Karl turned around (safely after the car took off), I was up, had the engine off and was upset that I’d hurt Daisy. With nothing broken on either of us we decided to head to Wollombi to access things better and have lunch.

In Wollombi my hero, Karl MacGyver goes to work straightening the bars, inflating the tyres and doing a check of things to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong with Daisy. Me, ouch ouch, hobble hobble, shacky, a headache and a few things learned decide that nothing is going to stop us having a great weekend camping and I chose to continue on.

Karl had planned the entire trip to be on dirt but after my little mishap decided it was best to stick to the black stuff until we get to Dungog.

North of Wollombi (Wollombi Rd) they are doing road works and guess what “yep” more dirt.


Wollombi Rd – Karl in front

Karl stops and says “I’m sorry Sweety, I didn’t plan this, the GPS says this way”, me “that’s OK, my GPS says the same thing” so it’s a very slow pace from me all the way to Maitland. Through Patterson and turn off towards Dungog, where we stop for food, water, alcohol and a chemist for medical supplies to treat my minor injuries (once I get my boot and gear off).

The final section of dirt starts about 15kays north of Dungog, down Middle Rd which will then lead us into the Frying Pan Creek Camping Area (which is nestled deep within the Chichester State Forest).


Start to Chichester State Forest

Needless to say, I’m just a tad nervous and a little savvier (after the mornings efforts) about tackling this section. However, on dirt nothing is the same. I keep talking to myself “chicken wings, relax Kimmie, rear brake only, the whole road is yours, don’t worry about anything/one behind you and you’ll make it. Sure enough, I don’t know how I did it – there were some pretty hairy down hills and bends (which at the time I was thinking “how am I going to get out of here”) but I MADE IT!!!


YAY..I made it!!

We surveyed the camp site and picked what we thought was going to be a great spot for us and proceeded to set up camp. After which I went for a swim in the creek to reduce the swelling on my left knee and ankle before applying my medical supplies.

Chef Karl, hard at work in the kitchen cooking us up a feed for champions!!! You da best Sweety xxx


Karl cooking dinner….yum!

We’d met our neighbours for the weekend. A nice bunch of fellas, we all get comfy in our camp chairs sittin’ round the campfire chewin’ the fat (so to speak…lol) and the guys advised me that I might hear some strange noises in the night ???. Time to hit the sleeping bag. Didn’t take me long to nod off but I was awake earlier than I had wanted due to the dolsed tones of the neighbours bodily sounds…..ARGH!!! followed by the ear piercing screeching of the white cockatoos. Ahh, the serenity!!

Oh, how good is a lazy Saturday – no phone, no technology, just nature in all its glory – and it’s time to hobble about and take some pics. Camp Special K & the noisy neighbours..lol. It’s so peaceful here (definitely a place to come back to).

Peaceful Camp Special K

Peaceful Camp Special K

Team Special K


Our hosts and the organisers of this weekend’s event – The Karuah River Rally 2014


You gotta love the serenity this place gives you. Just hobbling down to a crossing in the creek was soothing with the little wrens flitting here and there and the bush quail? I really have no idea what they were but they scratched around the forest floor looking for tid bits.


Up on the road in, there was this “warning” sign LOL!!   Apparently being a motorcyclist IS a cause for people to be wary of…..hahaha….we must be really scary!!


The “Warning” sign….lol

The view from the top of the road. If you continue up past Frying Pan Creek Area there is another couple of camping grounds with all feed off the loop road.


Junction at the top of the camp ground.

Since I have a crappy memory thought I better take a pic of the sign as a reminder.


We are here….Chichester State Forest

Since I was in no fit shape to go for a ride, Karl took the opportunity to head into town for a couple of extra supplies and enjoy the ride on his own.


Karl on his way to town….

Being the good housewife that I am…lol, I spent the time hard at work – reading my book under our shade awning, having a cuppa tea and going for a swim in the creek with the fellas. Karl came and joined me for a swim when he got back (lucky cos Elliot the eel was swimming in this spot of the creek). It was so nice to just kick back and relax with Karl, not worry about a thing and just enjoy each other’s company.

As the afternoon came around those scary motorcyclists started arriving on all shapes, sizes and configurations of bikes.  One girl arrived on this – a postie of all things – fully loaded and she wasn’t exactly a feather weight (I kinda felt for the postie!).


the poor postie…

Most of the bikes were as you’d expect BMW’s but to my surprise the next favoured was the humble DR – yep a Daisy variety!! If I had any doubts about whether I’d chosen the right bike or not, they were now at rest.


One poor bloke got a puncture just as he pulled into the camp ground. Out with the tools and he had the rear wheel off in no time and some mates were ready at hand to help him out with the repairs and a cold beer. As you can see there are already quite a few tents set up.


with a little bit of help from your friends.

Came across this version of a “family” sticker……haven’t seen this one before, can’t imagine why..LOL!!


the family……lol

Kicking back with a cider as we watched everyone getting set up.


the selfie….while relaxing…he he he

An afternoon stroll down to the opposite end on the creek and we found a nice little spot to sit and dapple our feet in the cool water.


peaceful, hey

On the way back we came across these fellas (seasoned adventurers), swapping stories over a cold beer…..not exactly the adventure stories I would’ve expected to hear….they were swapping advice on women….LOL!!! that was the funniest thing.


swapping women hints…..lol

As you can see, our peaceful camp site soon filled up and as the night went on got rowdier. Dinner was supplied (at a small cost) by the BMWTC but the laughter and the stories were free.


just a few neighbors…

At some stage some bright spark (and I suppose it’s to be expected since we are on a rally) decided to throw what I can only assume was a can into one of the many fires which exploded. This was followed with a cheer from the revellers. Of course what would the night be without the revving of engines, arguments and associated merriment.

Put another log on the fire…….way to go Karl.


put another log on the fire…la lalalala la la la la

A nice hot cuppa before bed.


tea by the fire.

On my way back from attending a nature call, I was confronted by this bubbly drunk bloke who was lost. After at least figuring out which end of the ground he camped I sent in that direction and me…I went in the other. Some strange characters emerge in the darkness and I don’t mean the Bunyips and Drop Bears either, although I’m sure they were lurking about. There was this one bloke, I didn’t even see him, laying on the ground next to the path and as I got to him he flicked on an amber torch and started serenading me…..in Swahili…LOL !!!

The morning after the night before and brekky was provided. There were many a weary sole wondering around and not to mention sore heads but nothing a bacon and egg roll wouldn’t help fix.


the morning after the night before

Time to pack up, say hoo roo to new friends, tackle the dirt road out and head on home. With Karl keeping a watchful eye on me on the dirt, I slowly but surely made it out incident free…YAY!

Not that we were looking for it but just out of Dungog towards Gresford we came across some gravel.


roads works out of Dungog

It’s pretty dry out there but still the scenery is spectacular.


We come down through Broke – Wollombi – Jerry’s at Kulnura before joining the freeway to home.


I stopped to get lunch for us, while Karl went home to open up the house and settle Ella-Jane. When I was replacing the cargo net to ensure our hamburgers wouldn’t fall out, Daisy decided that it’s just too much for her and she decides to have another little lay down…NOOOO. This time she fell into my body on the right side. Lucky some blokes came over to give me a hand and we were able to right her without hitting the ground. Thanks guys!!

Finally home YAY!!! Have lunch, unpack and Karl goes to move Daisy and discovers she has a flat rear tyre “no wonder she fell over, she wasn’t stable” he says…phew, I was beginning to think it was me.

What a great experience. Daisy and I both have some new character building marks/bruises. We didn’t do a lot of kilometres but had just as good a time. A BIG THANKS to Karl for being my hero and backing me in my decision to continue. I know I can conquer almost anything with you by my side.