Memorial Ride – 10th Sept 2016

Woken up to the rumbling sound of bike engines at the unruly time of 7:12am…how dare they…lol

A quite run up Horrocks Way to Davo’s plaque for a quiet moment on my own and to grab a banner shot.



Into the thriving metropolis of Wilmington. I was beginning to think I was on my own….looked pretty deserted. Alas, my thoughts were dashed when I see some of the kool kids emerging from the newly opened café. Hugs and hello’s, a late breaky and coffee was enjoyed while chatting away with friends.




Soon after, we start to congregate before enjoying a group Memorial Ride through Horrocks Pass to Davo’s plaque. Nico & Russel spoke wonderful words and gave us all time to remember Davo and for me also Pat “Toura” McLean. Baz sang words of remembrance and he and Liz lay wreaths.






Most of the group went for an afternoon ride for a late lunch to Quorn, however myself, Gags and a few others headed back to the Wilmington Hotel for a bit of quiet time.

A quite drink on the verandah chatting to new and old friends and say hoo roo to Marls before heading up for a bit of a nap before dinner.

Jan the publican is very welcoming, I don’t know why every one says she’s scary…..she was lovely (maybe it was just because I was “a new face”). A noisy evening meal, watching most of the guys consume that red poison (that I imagine will play havoc with their heads in the morning…lol). Time for bed and just get going in the morning whenever I wake up.


There were many many more photos and memories shared throughout the day. Sometimes, these moments are just meant to be kept to ones self though.

RIP Pat “Toura” McLean, your memory lives on!